Melodic Techno Ableton Template
The template is compatible with Ableton 11 and uses only Ableton stock plugins, plus Diva and Serum, for the synth sounds.
Studying this template file will give you a great insight into the processing of mixing, mastering, layering, side-chain, delay, reverb, compression, Group Channels, Midis, and channel automation.
Learn how the synth patterns were designed and, overall, an excellent way of learning more about producing Melodic Techno in Ableton Live.
It is a 100% Royalty-Free template project. You can use this project as an educational and inspirational tool to learn how all the sounds can fit together to create a full, solid-sounding tune.
To run this project fully, you will need the following DAW and VST Instruments and Plugins:
Ableton 11.2.6
Serum v. 1.345
Diva Rev 1 2092